Food & Health

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Your eating habits

What to eat when running a marathon

A marathon race is a difficult and gratifying event that needs a lot of preparation, commitment, and mental toughness. You should have a strong...

Take These Steps Today for a Healthy Heart on World Heart...

The World Heart Federation founded World Heart Day, which is a global campaign observed and celebrated in order to spread awareness regarding the impact...

Understanding Fats: Types, Functions, and Sources in Your Diet

Our bodies require fat as a sort of food for a number of purposes, including insulation, cushioning, and energy storage. It is one of...

Healthy Snacking: Ideas for Nutritious Snacks On-the-Go

Whether you're a student, a working professional who hardly gets time to eat during the day, or a mother who needs healthy nutritious snack...

Home remedies to fix your acid reflux problem

Acid reflux, or as it is commonly known as heartburn, is a cause of stomach acids trying to creep into the oesophagus. The oesophagal...

How To Make Vegetables Attractive For The Kids

Vegetables have been a nemesis for most kids, for time unknown. It is not surprising then that, parents struggle big time to ensure that...

Foods to help you control your high cholesterol

Your diet plays the most important role in managing your cholesterol levels. Making a few conscious food choices can remarkably lower your cholesterol levels....

How To Make The Perfect Protein Shake With Your Pantry Ingredients

Protein shakes have become a very healthy food that people of all ages consume. These shakes are loaded with many nutrients such as proteins,...

Eating and living with the earth in mind

We need to preserve the environment, there is no question about that. Being eco-friendly and preserving the natural components of the earth is not...

Superfoods of 2023: What’s In and Why They’re Beneficial

Good health can be achieved with good food, our food habits have become extremely unhealthy due to various lifestyle changes, stressful work, sitting for...

The ABCD’s of vitamins

Minerals and vitamins are substances that the body needs in extremely small amounts for vital metabolic processes. They are either water soluble, which the...

3 Quick and Easy Concoctions For A Natural Cleanse

Who does not want his or her to remain at its prime? So, the ways to make staying fit and healthy happen are increasing...

The amazing health benefits of probiotics

Probiotics provide an extra layer of strength. They behave like soldiers in your intestinal tract to combat pathogens. Probiotics are noting but millions of good...

The Best Holiday Recipes To Try On A Weeknight

Holiday cooking has its charm. Everything from prepping for the meal to cooking it to serving it holds a special place in your heart....

Food options for your toddler when on vacation

Travelling with a toddler is quite challenging especially if she is travelling for the first time. Children are fussy and when they see an...

Simple foods that curb sugar cravings

Sugar is not an enemy so stop treating it as one! Of course, sugar, when consumed in large quantities can be harmful, but a...

Understanding Crohn’s Disease

The GI tract is affected by Crohn's disease, a chronic condition known as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). The small intestine as well as the...

Signs Your Body Gives When You Lack Vitamin D

The best and quickest way to encourage the body to produce vitamin D is through sun exposure, though it may be more difficult in...

Health and Fitness Secrets from Ayurveda

Introduction: Being aware of your day-to-day activities and adapting to healthier choices can be beneficial for your physical and mental fitness. Ayurveda is one of...

5 Superfoods to Boost Your Liver Health

A quick reminder of school biology classes. The liver is the largest internal organ in the human body. And it should not come as...