Home Food & Health Diet for Healthy Hair and Hair Growth

Diet for Healthy Hair and Hair Growth

Diet for Healthy Hair and Hair Growth

Who doesn’t want to be a Rapunzel with that extra length of beauty? Most of us do, right? However, the tricks to becoming one seem exotic. In reality to get those inches is neither that foreign nor difficult. Consuming the right food and keeping your internal functions healthy is often all that you need to be concerned about. 

How does your diet impact your hair?

On one level, the growth, texture, and quality of your hair depend on a wide range of factors such as genetics, the kind of environment that your hair is exposed to, water quality, and so on. However, studies have shown that hair loss can be triggered by deficiencies in vitamins like B12 and D as well as biotin, iron, riboflavin, and such nutrients that are required for healthy hair growth. By striking the correct nutritional balance, you can maintain the perfect diet for healthy hair. 

What food is good for your hair?

Your body needs nutrient-dense food not only to grow but also to cure the regular damage of heat and pollution done to your hair.

  1. Adding some fruits and veggies like berries, guava, spinach, sweet potato, avocado, beans, bell pepper, orange, and leafy vegetables to your diet can have unparalleled benefits. The distinct nutrients in them support different functions. For example, while guava is effective in preventing hair damage, spinach performs well in treating brittle hair. 
  2. Other than that, there are also nutrient-rich fatty fish with omega-3 fatty acids like salmon, tuna, mackerel, etc., which keep the hair shiny and healthy. 
  3. Being a natural resource of vitamin B5, Greek yoghurt improves the health of your scalp, battling any possibility of hair loss.
  4. The universally known protein-rich eggs also provide vitamin B which is crucial for your hair to grow full and strong. 
  5. Most importantly, as already mentioned, iron should be prioritized in the diet. Hence, organ meats like liver as well as shellfish can be a good addition to your meals. 

What food to avoid for better health of your hair?

Not everything that you drink or eat is good for your hair. Your hair loathes certain food that is a favourite to your taste buds.

  • Foods such as refined flour, bread, and sugar influence your hormonal balance affecting the growth of your hair.
  • Alcohol weakens keratin which is the principal protein of your hair, thus resulting in thin hair.
  • Junk foods impact your hair quality and growth just the way they affect your body. It results in a greasy scalp which is never good for healthy hair growth.

Ways to inculcate the nutrients into your diet.

In case you cannot think of ways to increase your consumption of hair-friendly nutrients, the following are some ways to make your hair feel pampered:

  • Make it a compulsion to have at least one of the above vegetables as a part of your meal every day.
  • Have a tasty smoothie of berries and fruits, top it with nuts and gulp it in between your meals.
  • Replace your consumption of refined flour and sugar with healthy carbs like whole-grain bread and cereals. 
  • Prepare healthy vegetable salads to relish during random cravings.
  • Make it a habit to avoid junk and sugar as much as possible.


The ultimate sustainable trick for healthy hair is to keep the insides healthy to make the outside glow and grow. So, make your diet right with good foods and drinks, which do have a significant role to play in keeping your hair healthy and flowing.

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