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Sustainable Living: WHY

Sustainable Living

If you have access to natural resources such as water, sunlight, and fresh air, you can live a fulfilling and beautiful life on this planet. But what about your children and grandchildren? The environment around us is becoming more polluted, more trees are being cut down to meet the world’s needs, and more animals are becoming extinct or nearing extinction with each passing second. The world is speeding up, but at what cost? Mother Nature bears the cost, not you. But what if you were told that you could help slow the rate of degradation? The key is to live a sustainable lifestyle! 

Sustainable living entails abandoning the mindless living and consuming pattern in favour of a mindful approach to everything you do. You are aware of all the small things you do that you may have previously overlooked. When you leave the house with a cloth bag and a metal bottle filled with water, you are living sustainably. So, sustainable living isn’t as difficult as you think, nor is it something too fancy and out of reach. All you have to do is make a decision because you truly are living in a world borrowed from future generations. 

Most people believe that sustainability only refers to environmental stewardship, but it encompasses much more. While the ultimate goal is the health of nature, there are several factors that contribute to the term sustainability. The concept of sustainability is founded on four fundamental principles: 

  1. Environmental Sustainability- 

    This type of sustainability focuses on the environment and integrates all of the other principles. Whatever an individual or a business does, they must keep one thing in mind: the long-term welfare of the environment. This could be accomplished by lowering your carbon footprint, which could begin simply by using less plastic in your daily life. 

  2. Social Sustainability- 

    This sustainability refers to being accountable to one another and society as a whole. It entails being truthful, having integrity, being transparent, and maintaining a healthy relationship with everyone around you. At the end of the day, a happy person is the best asset for the success of society. 

  3. Economic Sustainability- 

    Most people and organisations are so focused on cutting costs and saving every penny that they fail to recognise the long-term damage they can cause to the environment. The use of single-use plastic, while economical, is extremely harmful to the environment. 

  4. Human Sustainability-

    This pillar focuses on the most important aspect of society, the one that can save or destroy the environment on its own, and that is human capital. The development of humans is the primary focus of this sustainability perspective. Investing in education, health, and accessibility are just a few examples of how to work toward human sustainability. When the government and organisations value people, the workplace and society are happier. 

Sustainability is essential; it cannot reverse climate change or stop the depletion of natural resources, but it can significantly reduce environmental impact. According to the UN Environmental Program, the population is expected to reach 9.6 billion by 2050, and in order for this large population to thrive, three separate planets would be required, which is nearly impossible. So, pull up your sock because you need to go save the world by doing your part!

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