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Diabetes Care During Diwali

Diabetes Care During Diwali

Diwali is a festive season that usually brings with it company, food and fun. For many diabetes patients, this season can be quite difficult – but not impossible! If you know why the season is difficult for you, you can do something about it. 

The following are some tips for diabetes patients to be followed during the Diwali period to protect themselves from any negative effects on their health:

  1. Planning of foods

    High-calorie meals should be avoided; instead, consider low-sugar items and sugar-free desserts. When sweet dishes and foods are homemade, the use of organic honey, jaggery, and fruit extracts can be used instead of unhealthy sugar. The stomach should not be kept empty for more than 2 hours, and one should not skip meals at all to maintain blood sugar levels, as well as the typical dietary schedule.

  2. Stay hydrated

    One should drink a lot of water to stay hydrated, this will also help in the consumption of low calories.

  3. Avoid consumption of alcohol:

    Alcohol should be avoided since it contains a lot of sugar, which might raise your blood sugar levels and interact with your medications. High-calorie cold drinks, such as soda, carbonated beverages, and sugary drinks, should be avoided. Instead, homemade lime water as well as coconut water can be used to participate in the delight. Along with drinking, smoking should indeed be avoided. That comes with multiple negative impacts on your health as well.

  4. Lower Carbohydrate consumption

    People have always been fascinated by carbs and the power they have to satisfy hunger. But the problem with eating foods high in carbohydrates is that it gives rise to the blood sugar level more than other components like protein and fat. So, if you are looking forward to manage your blood pressure, then you need to consume more foods that are low in carbohydrates.

  5. High fibre food intake

    Giving up junk food for the festival is a good way to set a good start of the festive season. One should take more fibrous food, vegetables and whole grains to avoid junk foods such as cookies and cakes and processed foods. You may also try some baked, roasted foods instead of fried ones. One strategy could be to always try to eat foods in small amounts and repeat the same process after the scheduled time.

  6. Blood sugar check:

    Always monitor one’s blood sugar level at home and be alert of any hypoglycemic symptoms. The medication or insulin injection must also be adjusted in accordance with the doctor’s recommendations. Adequate pharmaceutical or insulin stocks should always be maintained on hand before Diwali. If the medical shops in your locality are closed or face stockouts; your health should not be jeopardised.

  7. Exercise:

    You should go for walks and ensure breathing exercises to keep stress free. In most cases, patients are lazy to ensure a routine, but it is important to note that these lifestyle managements add a good amount of value to your festive health routine.

  8. Avoid burns or Injuries

    Firecrackers that are currently being used today include crackers, flares, bang bangs and some others. All these firecrackers are dangerous for the diabetic patients who have skin that is insensitive to pain. Fireworks cause severe injuries to them which they may feel later on.

Diabetes management is a routine process to stay healthy during any festive season. Therefore, it is important for the family to understand this during Diwali for a healthy balanced life.

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