Home Body & Mind 8 Tips for Exercising in Summer

8 Tips for Exercising in Summer

stretching exercise for fitness

Summer has kicked in full swing. With the mercury rising, most of us would prefer nothing more than the cooling comfort of our air conditioners. But there are those who can’t sit still and need to get their daily dose of exercise. If fitness is your addiction and you’re wondering how you’ll pull it off in this scorching heat, we’ve got a couple of tips for you.

1. Time it!

First and foremost, time your exercise routine. Whether you’re planning to go for a brisk walk, a jog, a run or the gym, plan your routine when it’s likely to be cooler. The best time would be either morning or late evening. If you can’t stand the heat, avoid working out between 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

2. Adjust Your Body Temperature

You can do this by hopping into a cold shower before your workout. A cold shower will lower your heart rate, core and skin temperature, allowing you to perform better in the heat. You can even jump in the shower after your workout as it will help you cool down.

3. What You Wear Matters

Wear loose, light-coloured, cotton clothing as the light colour will reflect the heat and the cotton material will help with the sweat. Alternatively, you can even opt for clothing which is specially designed for workouts and to keep you cool in this intense heat.
HINT: You can get your gear from a Decathlon store or buy online.

4. Wear Sunscreen

If somehow your workout stretches to the hotter part of the day, you might want to apply sunscreen. Although this seems irrational, getting sunburned is the last thing you want during summer. Even an hour of exposure to the grueling heat can damage your skin. Don’t take a chance. Be safe. Use sunscreen.

5. Stick to the Shade

During your jog or run or even while you’re heading to the gym, try sticking to the shade. Choose trails or pathways that have some shade and avoid direct contact with the sun.

6. Stay Hydrated

During sunny days, this is an absolute must. Drink two glasses of water before setting out. Carry a bottle or a hydration pack and sip on it every 15 minutes. If you can mix it up with glucose or electrolyte powder, there’s nothing like it to give you a quick boost of energy. As you sweat profusely during this season, keeping water handy helps you refuel the water level in your body.

7. Get a Good Stretch

For days when it is hotter than usual, you can choose to cool off with some yoga. Choose an asana based on your level of proficiency. Practicing yoga can help you loosen up some tensed muscles and nerves and get the much needed relaxation.

8. Eat Fruits

Fruits are 80% water, which means that they are not only the best but also a tasty way to replenish your fluids and get a dose of the much needed energy before and after a workout. You could go one step ahead by making smoothies or shakes using fruits. Fruits also supply you with essential minerals and vitamins that will keep you healthy. Keep fruits like bananas, grapes and watermelon handy.

Lastly, if you feel dizzy, faint or nauseous, stop immediately. Pay heed to your body’s warning signs and avoid going overboard.

Do you have tips of your own to stay cool this summer? Share them with us in the comments below.

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