Home Food & Health 5 Foods that can help with Ulcerative Colitis

5 Foods that can help with Ulcerative Colitis

Ulcerative Colitis

While handling an irritable bowel syndrome (IBD) such as ulcerative colitis (UC), medication is typically the very first line of defence. However, medical interventions can be expensive and have serious side effects. Even in those without IBD, stabilising the GI tract requires a balanced diet. Although nutrition does not directly cause UC, appropriate meals can better control symptoms. These are five meals to try in order to reduce UC inflammation.

  1. Yoghurt

    Probiotics are found in yoghurt and many other fermented dairy products including kefir, miso, and sauerkraut. Also, yoghurt is a fantastic supply of calcium, which is crucial for the development of strong bones. Yet, you should be aware that not all yoghurt is created equal. On labels, look for living, active cultures. Plain, unsweetened yoghurt is your best bet but watch the sugar amount. 

  2. Salmon

    The troublesome inflammation that develops in ulcerative colitis can be effectively reduced by taking omega-3 fatty acids. These crucial fatty acids are abundant in salmon, which is a good source of them. Salmon is not just high in anti-inflammatory compounds but also in protein, which is something the body requires to mend itself. Other excellent sources of omega-3s are walnuts, flaxseed oil, ground flaxseed, and albacore tuna. 

  3. Eggs

    Make the addition of eggs to your diet if you’re not acquiring enough nutrients through your diet. Eggs are a diverse food and a superior protein source. It is advised since they are very simple to consume, which is advantageous for those who have ulcerative colitis. For even more nutritional advantages, look for eggs that have been enriched with omega-3 fatty acids. Moreover, eggs are a good source of selenium, an antioxidant, and B vitamins, which help turn food into energy. For a quick, high-protein snack on the road, try scrambling them, adding them to an omelette with vegetables, or hard-boiling them.

  4. Instant Oatmeal

    A speedy and filling lunch or snack is made with instant oats. Those with ulcerative colitis can usually easily digest this variety of grain. Because it’s a little more processed than steel-cut oats, it has less fibre, making it a decent option when symptoms are acting up. Choose plain or low-sugar types, and if necessary, add a splash of cinnamon or fruit puree to make it sweeter. 

  5. Lean meat

    If there is inflammation present or has just occurred, you may need to increase your intake of nutritious protein. Choose better sources of protein, such as lean meat cuts, as saturated fat can cause stomach problems. Good low-fat options include skinless chicken, pork belly, beef upper loin, sirloin, and roasts, as well as extra lean ground beef or turkey.

Beyond these 5 foods, there are always more that you can add to your diet or make more beneficial for you with a little bit of change to your process like changing oil to olive oil and adding spices like ginger and turmeric. You can add avocado, low-fibre vegetables and squash to your list of foods when conducting your diet plan. Applesauce is also known to be good for people suffering from Ulcerative Colitis. 


There is no universal diet for UC because everybody is unique. Create a diet that’s effective for you by working closely with a trained dietician at all times. Very beneficial is to keep a food journal to record your meals. It is now simpler to identify the substances that cause your problems.

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