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Financial Wellness and Mental Heath

Financial Wellness and Mental Heath

What’s common between money and mental health? People feel the need to run away from talking about it. Having an open dialogue about both is banned because there is a notion that it’s a harmful drug that could ruin people. It could leave people feeling exposed and naked. A version of themselves they despise. 

However, there is a correlation between them that just can’t be ignored anymore. They go hand-in-hand. Choosing to understand their bond is choosing to be wise and protect yourself. 

Financial burden in the past has been one of the major reasons for people to end their lives. They get bogged down and completely crushed under the pressure of debts and liabilities. They feel ashamed to even show their faces to society. This can be avoided if you make smart financial decisions every day. It might look small, but the impact is mighty and potent. 

  1. Meet up with a financial consultant– Get rid of the notion that you don’t need a financial consultant because you are not wealthy enough. There’s one for everyone to fulfil their specific needs. They have the required expertise to guide you and help you plan for the future. They will push you to save more, invest more, and, most importantly, help you live fearlessly but not recklessly with the money you earn. 
  2. Budgeting– Being blindly in love can leave your heart broken; similarly, being blind while spending money can leave you broke. Save first, and then the money left can be utilised for your extravagant purchases. Budgeting does not mean you take away the frivolous purchases and suck the joy out of your life. Tracking your expenses will help you become financially stable over time.
  3. Comparison is a thief of joy– The Holy Bible states that comparison is a thief of joy, and it truly is if you spend your time comparing your wealth to those who are doing better than you. You look at their glittery and shimmery lives on social media, and you are convinced that they are better than you and that you are doomed. You don’t know their full story; maybe they have family money, or they are into budgeting, or maybe they are drowning in debt. Who knows? So don’t break your head over someone else’s life. You are on your own journey, and you can have it all only if you handle your finances. 
  4. Don’t debate, just automate– Don’t think twice about automating your bills. It is a gift from God that you must use wholeheartedly. God bless the person who came up with this. Just imagine all the money you will save by avoiding the late penalty that you end up paying each time you postpone your bill payment yet again! So, automate! It’s a lifesaver; it is a sleeping pill, really. 
  5. Educate yourself– You don’t need a formal education because you can find a teacher anywhere, maybe on the internet, maybe in a podcast, in a magazine, or with a dear friend. Dedicate some time weekly for your self-study on the financial world. Don’t get intimidated by the stock market. Take it slow. Everything that humankind needs to know exists on the internet, so utilise your potential and get the job done! 

Your mental health has several reasons to be low; don’t give it one more reason to cry about. You get one life, and you can live it to the fullest if you strategise. Save up and invest because the world awaits you! 

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