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Treatment and prevention of the H3n2 virus

Treatment and prevention of the H3n2 virus

H3n2 virus cases in India claim the lives of 2 among every 100 patients. And learning about the signs and symptoms of the H3n2 influenza virus is the first step to seeking medical attention on time and reducing the chances of mortality. The common symptoms of H3n2 are high fever, breathing problems, fatigue, headache, seizures, etc. 

However, there is nothing to worry about as it is curable, and below, we will discuss the available treatments for the H3n2 virus. Also, we will share a list of prevention methods for H3n2 influenza. 

Treatment of H3n2 influenza virus

H3n2 virus is a subtype of Influenza A. It is more severe than influenza A H1N1 or B. The treatment of H3n2 influenza primarily depends on the symptoms and severity of the illness. Also, if there are no other health complications that influenza can worsen, doctors will use the same treatment methods to treat other viral fevers. So, H3n2 influenza is curable, and below we will share the available treatments for the H3n2 virus –

  1. As per the ICMR or Indian Council of Medical Research, doctors primarily use symptomatic medicine over antibiotics. 
  2. Also, if you suspect any symptoms, you must visit a doctor for immediate testing and treatment. However, your doctor may also ask you to monitor vital signs at home before prescribing medication. 
  3. They will also recommend rest as influenza causes severe weakness and fatigue. Rest will help you feel better and improve your strength to fight the virus. 
  4. You must also drink plenty of water and fluids if you are affected by the H3n2 virus. You must keep your body hydrated as the H3n2 influenza virus can lead to severe dehydration due to persistent and severe vomiting. 
  5. Take the medication prescribed by the doctor. H3n2 influenza treatments are symptomatic. That is why the treatment can vary from one person to another depending on their symptoms and signs. So, always follow what your doctor is prescribing. 
  6. You can use lukewarm saline water to gargle to soothe your sore throat. 
  7. Follow your doctor’s treatment plan and resist self-medication with antibiotics or anti-viral Medicines. 
  8. Seek immediate medical attention if the high fevers persist for over three days or if you face severe breathing difficulties. 

Prevention of H3n2 influenza virus

The H3n2 influenza virus is more severe than other variants of this influenza. However, taking some precautions can help you prevent the illness. And below is a list of prevention methods for the H3n2 virus –

  1. Practising hand hygiene can help you prevent the virus from spreading. Always wash your hands with soap or hand wash before eating, using the washroom, etc.
  2. Always cover your nose and mouth while sneezing or coughing. Also, use a mask while going outdoors or around many people. 
  3. Get annual flu vaccines, especially before winter, to increase your ability to fight the virus. 
  4. Stay away from people affected by the virus or who are sick. Also, isolate yourself from others if you suspect you are affected by the virus. 
  5. Drink plenty of water and rest completely to prevent it from worsening. 
  6. Do not touch your mouth, nose, and eyes with your hands. 
  7. If you have other health complications like respiratory problems, diabetes, heart problems, etc., you must consult a doctor immediately and strictly maintain all preventive measures. 


H3n2 influenza is more severe than H1N1 or influenza B, and children under five years and older people above 65 and pregnant women are at a higher risk. Above, we have shared the treatment and prevention methods for the H3n2 virus. However, if you feel any of the symptoms of this virus, do not waste time and visit a doctor for accurate diagnosis and treatment.

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