Home Food & Health Foods to Avoid in Winter Season in India

Foods to Avoid in Winter Season in India

Foods to Avoid in Winter Season in India

Winter is the season when you prefer staying indoors as there are increased chances of catching a cold or flu if you stay longer outside. In this season, you crave warm comfort foods to keep the body warm. It is important to be aware of the kind of food you should be having in the winter season. A wide range of fresh fruits and vegetables are available during the winter season in India which are extremely healthy. There are a few foods, spices, herbs, and drinks that you should include in your diet to boost immunity and handle the chill. In this article, we will learn about the foods to avoid in the winter season in India and opt for healthier choices to stay well. 

Things to avoid in winter season: 

  1. Cold Beverages:
    During the winter season, it’s better to avoid cold beverages, ice creams, soft drinks, etc. that don’t provide any warmth to the body. Such food items can lower the temperature of your body and increase the risk of catching colds, flu allergies, and respiratory problems. Opt for warm beverages like green tea, herbal teas, ginger tea, turmeric milk, vegetable soups, or warm water with lemon to keep yourself comfortable.
  2. Raw Salads and Vegetables:
    It is usually advised to eat raw vegetables and salads during the summer season to strengthen your immunity. Whereas, during winters having excessive raw vegetables can have adverse effects on your health. The nature of raw vegetables and greens is cooling, which may not give you the warmth you need for your body. in nature and may not provide the warmth your body needs in cold weather. You can have steamed or lightly sauteed vegetables Instead, which are easy to digest. 
  3. Tropical Fruits:
    Tropical fruits like watermelon, papaya, and mango are best enjoyed in the summer when they are in season. These fruits have cooling properties and may not be suitable for consumption in the winter. Opt for seasonal fruits like oranges, guavas, and pomegranates, which are rich in vitamin C and can help boost your immune system during the cold season.
  4. Deep Fried Oily Foods:
    Winter season increases the craving for fried food items as they give a sense of satiety. Deep-fried snacks are heavily consumed during this time but all this can lead to digestive issues. These greasy foods can lead to digestive issues and weight gain. These foods are relatively heavy and put a burden on your digestive system making you feel lethargic and sleepy. Prepare your meals using very little oil and spices, and incorporate steamed or grilled food items for a lighter feel. 
  5. Cold Dairy Products:
    Avoid eating cold dairy products such as curd, milkshakes, ice cream, and cold yoghurt that can disturb your body’s natural balance in the winter. These items can be consumed in lesser quantities in moderation and at room temperature. Drinking warm milk with a little turmeric and honey will boost your immune system and protect you from catching a cold or flu. 

In conclusion, to stay healthy during the winter season, you should be mindful of your eating habits and diet choices as per your health needs and conditions. You can enjoy a variety of foods but be aware of the ones that can disrupt your digestion and cause discomfort or illness. Limit the intake of cold items, and spicy food, and incorporate warm food items like soups, herbal teas, etc. to ensure better health during the winters. By following these steps, doing so, you’ll be able to improve your overall health and immunity during the winter season in India. Don’t forget to consult a professional doctor or nutritionist for more information and guidance. 

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