Home Food & Health Foods That Nourish Your Brain

Foods That Nourish Your Brain

Foods That Nourish Your Brain

The brain controls all the functions of our body throughout our lives. As we age, our brain also becomes weak which results in various types of diseases. To prevent any cognitive decline, it is imperative to follow a healthy dietary plan that includes lots of fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, whole grains and legumes. In this article let’s have a look at the various options for healthy food items for a healthy brain:

It is believed that the best brain foods protect your heart and blood vessels as well:

  1. leafy green vegetables
    Leafy greens are extremely rich in a lot of nutrients that are essential for a healthy brain. Various green leafy vegetables such as spinach, broccoli, kale, and spinach, are packed with nutrients that are brain-healthy. Green vegetables have a lot of vitamin K, folate, and beta-carotene. Plant-based foods help slow down cognitive complications and cognitive decline.
  2. Fatty fish with Omega-3 fatty acids
    Fatty fish are a great source of omega-3 fatty acids, essential fats that protect from brain damage in people who have Alzheimer’s disease. Try to have a diet that has fatty fish in it regularly or at least twice a week eat fish at least twice a week, mackerel, tuna, such as salmon, cod, etc. If you don’t like fish, omega-3 supplements can fulfil that requirement, but of course, consult your doctor first. Vegetarians can also get Omega 3 through walnuts, avocados, and flaxseeds.
  3. Berries
    Flavonoids, which is a natural plant pigment that gives berries their brilliant bright colours, have been known to help improve memory. Regular intake of berries and strawberries also helps in delaying memory loss in women to a great extent. Blueberries and varieties of other dark berries are full of antioxidants, which is an excellent food for the brain. These berries protect against free radicals and help fight against degeneration of the brain. 
  4. Walnuts
    Walnuts pack a lot of nutrients in them and are widely known to aid in brain health. It has proteins and healthy fats which improve memory. Students should make it a part of their daily diet in order to boost their memory. Walnuts are also quite high in omega-3 fatty acids which lowers blood pressure and cleans your arteries as well.
  5. Dark chocolate
    Dark chocolate has cocoa which contains flavonoids in it which is an antioxidant. Eating dark chocolate in moderate amounts is excellent for brain health. The brain is prone to oxidative stress, which leads to age-related memory loss, and brain degeneration diseases. The antioxidants in cocoa protect against free radicals and delay the signs of Alzheimer’s during old age.

Eating a healthy diet is imperative for overall well-being. However, it is very important to prevent the ageing of our brain to delay the degeneration of our brain. Brain disorders like Alzheimer’s, memory loss, and dementia can be controlled by eating these brain foods along with a good sleep routine. To reduce or delay the signs of cognitive disorders, solving puzzles, playing sudoku, or learning new skills helps to maintain great mental health. The brain is a vital organ that uses a percentage of the body’s calories and hence, needs lots of nutrients as fuel to work throughout the day. Brain healthy diet reduces inflammation, repairs brain cells, controls neurodegenerative disorders, and reduces stress.

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