Home Fitness Top 3 Breathing Exercises for deep sleep

Top 3 Breathing Exercises for deep sleep

Breathing Exercises

People nowadays lead a very stressful life which sometimes makes them emotionally restless to the extent that at night time also they can not calm down to have a deep sleep. The breathing exercises are really a boon for deep sleep. The rhythm of breathing can keep the mind calm and relax the body, reducing the stress hormones which block melatonin, the key hormone which promotes good sleep. Here are some techniques or exercises for good sleep as follows : 

  1. Bhramari Pranayam:

    The simple steps are to be followed here. One should close the eyes and deep breath needs to be taken. The ears to be covered by the hands, and then the index fingers to put on each eyebrow while the other fingers to put on the closed eyes. Then, the nose side is to be pressed gently and focus on the eyebrow area. The mouth is to be closed and breathe out slowly through the nose, feeling the humming “om” – sound of the bees. This is to be repeated for 5 minutes.

  2. 4-7-8 breathing technique:

    In this, all the air inside is exhaled from the body, making a “whoosh” sound by opening up the mouth and lips to be apart from each other. After that, the lips are gently closed together and the air is inhaled with the nose for 4 seconds. While breathing through the nose, the tongue is to be kept on top of the mouth, and behind the front upper teeth. Keep the air for a count of 7 seconds. In the last step the air to be exhaled for 8 seconds with the sound of “whoosh”. This is a complete cycle, in the starting phase, one has to do it for 4 cycles and later the same cycle may be repeated for 8 times. This exercise can help to lower the blood pressure and heart rate. Now, if the timespan for 4:7:8 is long for anyone to manage, then it can be started with a 2:3:4 ratio as well for breathing, holding it, and breathing out. 

  3. Diaphragmatic breathing:

    The diaphragm is the muscle near the lungs, responsible for breathing. This exercise will improve the blood flow to the heart and the heart rate would decrease, letting you feel calm and relaxed. This is a kind of breathing with the belly, and anyone can put a hand in the belly to feel the process. This can be done in either a lying position or sitting up. To start with one can put one hand on the belly and another hand on the chest, the deep breath to be taken through the nose, and keep the hand on the chest to feel that the belly rises and falls with your breath. Next, breathe with pursed lips, the breathing would be done without a chest movement after some time. The process will slow down the breathing cycle and improve the oxygen supply for better health. The cycle is to be repeated for 3 to 10 cycles as per your convenience, one can start with smaller cycles, feel the benefits and then try for more repetitions. 


Proper breathing exercises keeps away stress, and anxiety and boosts mental health. Lifestyle changes are essential along with stress management for deep sleep, this rejuvenates the brain cells to keep good mental health and also strengthens the immune system, and energizes the human body for living a healthy life.

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