Home Body & Mind The Link Between Sustainable Living and Mental Health

The Link Between Sustainable Living and Mental Health

Mental Health

When the year 2020 arrived, it felt like the world was coming to an end and the end was closing in on you and everyone else, didn’t it? People suddenly understood what doomsday meant, and the need to save the environment in order to save the world seemed more pressing than ever. People experienced anxiety from not leaving their homes and seeing people, but they also experienced a new type of anxiety, one that existed but was only realised later- Eco Anxiety. Eco Anxiety occurs when a person experiences anxiety as a result of what is happening to the environment around them. They are feeling overwhelmed due to the catastrophe caused by climate change. But what if you were told there was a link between your mental health and sustainability and that doing something for the environment could make you feel much better? You certainly can! Choosing a sustainable lifestyle is not only good for Mother Earth, but it is also suitable for you! 

A study conducted by Cincinnati Children’s Medical Hospital in 2019 demonstrated how a small increase in air pollution has a significant impact on a child’s mental health. Humans, on the other hand, continue to ignore the fact that everything is interconnected and that an equilibrium between all factors is required for peaceful living. 

According to Chapter 6 of the World Happiness Report, there is a significant link between happiness and long-term development. The study looked at the empirical relationship between the SDGs and human well-being. According to the study, people feel better when they work towards achieving the SDGs.

The primary rationales for why mental health and long-term health are linked are as follows: 

  1. The Big Picture- People feel good when they contribute to the environment by participating in a green initiative because they feel like they are a part of something bigger than themselves. It sustains them. This, in a way, becomes a goal, just as a goal intrinsically motivates a human. 
  2. Achievement Glow- When an individual chooses to make environmentally conscious decisions, he or she feels a sense of accomplishment. The sense of pride is wonderful; it immediately improves their happiness and mood. They are having a pleasant day, as are those around them. 
  3. Physical Wellness- When you choose to walk or jog to a location instead of taking public transportation in the hopes of reducing your carbon footprint, you are also working on your physical health. A twenty-minute jog triggers the release of endorphins, also known as the “feel-good neurotransmitter.” As a result, a feeling of blue is driven far away, lowering your anxiety and any dullness or lethargy that may be bothering or pulling you down.

While humans continue to cut down trees to make more room for an ever-increasing population, they are unaware that they are widening the gap between nature and themselves. This isolation deprives humans of the benefits of being in nature and enjoying the benefits of green spaces such as walking on grass and hearing the sounds of insects and birds, all of which have been scientifically proven to have a calming effect on the mind and soul. What is needed now is an understanding that caring for the environment does not mean you are doing a favour for the environment; rather, you are doing a favour for your future self, and making these choices can even help with your mental health now! Humans continue to create burdens on a daily basis due to a lack of awareness and education. 

Do a small experiment this weekend to see for yourself how powerful an impact nature can have on your mind. Purchase some plants this weekend and spend the week after going for a morning walk in the park and following it up with watering the plants, you will notice a difference in your own perspective and attitude in a short period of time. When the flowers bloom, so do your insides. Consider how much joy you could bring by giving these flowers to a loved one. Isn’t it beautiful? Maybe one day you’ll have your own plant garden and cook a sustainable meal for your loved one. Remember that nature and you are one and the same; harmony between the two ensures a longer and happier life.

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