Home Food & Health Innovative ways to pack your kid’s lunchbox

Innovative ways to pack your kid’s lunchbox

kid's lunchbox

Every parent knows just how tricky it is to get their kids to have their lunches while they are at school. Kids are known to be fussy eaters and when left unsupervised, seldom make an effort to finish their food. This is why intact lunch boxes come back home day after day. If you too have been facing these issues, we are here to help. Read on and discover some innovative ways in which you can pack your kid’s lunch and ensure they finish their food.

  1. Experiment with shapes

    Invest in some interesting cookie cutters. Use them to cut out shapes. You can use them on sandwiches, pancakes, dosas, chapatis, omelettes, etc. Seeing the food in an unusual shape can generate a lot of interest among the kids and make them more eager to eat lunch. Keep changing the food and the shape so that they look forward to it and thereby, finish the food as well.

  2. Make it colourful

    No one likes eating a dull serving of food, let alone our poor children! This is why you need to make the food visually attractive. Work on the presentation skills and decorate the lunch box. Add colours in the form of fruits. Make sure you pack a balanced meal but just ensure the presentation is nice and inviting enough for your kids to want to eat the food.

  3. Add notes and messages

    Be creative in your efforts and conceal hidden messages in the lunch box. For example, you can put an “I love you” note between two sandwiches and your kid would find it when he finishes the first one. Send new messages every day and hide them in different places in the lunch box. This will make lunchtime more exciting and the child will be looking forward to it.

  4. Invest in interesting boxes

    Boring, monochrome and faded lunch boxes have no appeal! This new school term, take your kids along and let them choose a lunch box they like. These days, you get many interesting and attractive boxes that the children enjoy playing with while they eat their lunch.

  5. Pack what they like

    And finally, choose your menu with care. You have to cater to the tastes and preferences of your kids. If there is a certain vegetable he or she dislikes, there is no way he or she will eat it when sitting alone in school! So prepare lunch that they like. If your child prefers having rice, pack some healthy fried rice or pulao. If he or she is a fan of bread, pack some rotis or parathas. Respect his choices and you will see the lunchbox empty every day. 

These may sound like very simple hacks, but they actually help a lot and the kids finish their lunches.

The bottom line
Your kid is the most precious person in your life and you would do every possible thing to keep him or her happy and healthy. Follow the tips mentioned above and see how they finish their lunch boxes every day, thereby becoming healthier and happier too.

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