Home Food & Health Best Breakfast Habits to Lower Blood Sugar

Best Breakfast Habits to Lower Blood Sugar

Best Breakfast Habits

What you eat definitely plays a major role in lowering your blood sugar levels. However, it just doesn’t stop at what you eat. There are a few other ways or habits that you can inculcate along with your breakfast timings to lower your blood sugar levels. 

Here are some of the best breakfast habits to help you do so.

  • Don’t Skip Breakfast:

    One simply cannot stress this point enough. You must have your breakfast every day. A lot of us have this temptation to skip breakfast altogether in a bid to lower blood sugar levels. However, that is far from the truth. When you skip your breakfast, there are higher chances of your blood sugar levels being dysregulated. 

    As the body does not have any source of food, it creates its own source of fuel. By releasing stored oxygen, the liver increases blood sugar levels. Skipping your breakfast might be counterproductive. In most cases, skipping breakfast might lead to higher blood sugar levels.

  • Stay Hydrated:

    There is a strong connection between blood sugar levels and dehydration. One of the best ways to start your day is by consuming a glass of water. It will give you a head start for the day and keep you hydrated. Consuming water might also help in reducing blood sugar levels post breakfast. 

    When you consume less water, the amount of sugar in your blood increases. Thus, make it a habit to consume water after meals and stay hydrated as much as possible.

  • Balanced Breakfast:

    Another great way to start your day is by having a breakfast that is rich in protein and fiber. A balanced breakfast helps you improve your blood sugar levels and keep your appetite sturdy for the day. Proteins and fiber slow down your digestion and thus, help in regulating post-meal blood sugar levels. 

    A protein rich breakfast could include eggs, cottage cheese, Greek yogurt, protein-based smoothies, sports, etc. You can mix them with high fiber breakfast options such as oatmeal, whole grain toasts, berries, etc. Both these categories will help you keep your blood sugar levels down. 

  • Regulated Caffeine:

    Caffeine can increase your blood sugar levels. This is despite you consuming your morning cup of coffee without any sweeteners. Just the presence of caffeine can trigger an increase in blood sugar levels. Caffeine usually impacts stress hormones. Caffeine wakes up these stress hormones and as a response to that, our body releases glucose for energy. Thus, increasing your blood sugar levels. 

    Having coffee in a moderate amount along with a balanced breakfast will help you better regulate blood sugar.

  • Avoid High Sugar Drinks:

    A lot of us consume juice, milk, coffee creamers, and other high-sugar drinks in the morning. Starting your day with such drinks can make it difficult to keep your blood sugar levels in check for the rest of the day. 

Keeping the above in mind and consuming as much water as possible are simple ways of regulating your blood sugar levels.

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